Acupressure, a type of alternative medicine similar to acupuncture, aims to stimulate pressure points along the meridian lines of the body. By aligning with acupuncture’s fundamental principles, acupressure offers an effective method for improving an individual’s well-being. Here, we will let you know about acupressure points for headache. Learn more about acupressure, meridian lines, and their benefits.
Headaches can be debilitating and get in the way of our daily lives. Whether it’s a tension headache or a migraine, the pain can be excruciating, leaving us feeling helpless and irritable. While there are many medications available to relieve headaches, they often come with side effects and can be expensive. Acupressure is a natural and simple alternative that can help alleviate headache pain. In this post, we’ll explore some of the acupressure points in the body that you can use to relieve headache pain.
5 Acupressure Points for Headache Relief
1. Yanglingquan (GB34):
This point is located on the lower leg, just below the knee. Yanglingquan is believed to help relieve headaches caused by tension in the neck and shoulders. To locate this point, bend your leg at the knee and place your hand just below the knee. The point is located on the outside edge of the leg, in the groove between the bones. To apply pressure, use your index and middle fingers and press firmly for 10-15 seconds, then release. Repeat on the other leg.
2. Fengchi (GB20):
This Acu pressure point in neck for headache and can give you instant relief. Fengchi is located at the base of the skull, where the neck meets the skull. It is believed to help relieve headaches caused by tension and stress. To locate the point, place your thumbs at the base of your skull, just behind your ears. Press your thumbs into the hollow areas and use a circular motion to massage the area for 2-3 minutes. You can also use your index fingers to gently press the point if your hands get tired.
3. Hegu (LI4):
This is one of the well known acupressure points on hand. Hegu is located on the back of the hand, in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. It is believed to help relieve headaches caused by sinus congestion and tension headaches. To locate the point, place your thumb on the back of your hand and press into the webbing. The point is at the highest spot of the muscle when you bring your thumb and index finger together. Use your other hand to apply pressure and massage the area for 10-15 seconds, then release. Try to do self-massage for headache on the hands. There are many other pressure points for headaches on hands but this one is one of the most effective point.
4. Taichong (LV3):
Taichong is located on the top of the foot, between the big toe and the second toe. It is believed to help relieve headaches caused by stress and tension. To locate the point, place your fingers in between the two toes and slide them up until you feel a depression where the bones meet. Apply firm pressure and massage the area in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes. This is one of the fastest relief providers in these 5 acupressure points for headache.
5. Zusanli (ST36):
Zusanli is located on the lower leg, about 4 finger widths below the kneecap. It is believed to help relieve headaches caused by digestive issues and tension headaches. To locate the point, feel for the depression below the kneecap and move your fingers about 4 finger widths down. Use your index and middle fingers to apply pressure and massage the area in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes.
Final Words
Headaches can be a real pain, but there are natural and simple ways to relieve the pain without resorting to medication. Acupressure is a great alternative that can help relieve tension headaches and migraines. By applying pressure to specific points in the body, you can help alleviate pain and promote relaxation. Give these acupressure points a try the next time you have a headache, and feel the tension melt away. Remember to consult with a licensed practitioner before trying acupuncture or acupressure. So these were the top 5 acupressure points for headache and these will provide you instant relief.
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